Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All God's presidential candidates got pastors

Associate Washington Post Editor Eugene Robinson's blog at the offers admiring insight into Democrat Barack Obama's Road Map on Race.

(Public domain:

Republican soon-to-be Presidential nominee John McCain's relationship with Ohio megachurch pastor Rod Parsley is covered by Mother Jones' David Corn in McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam.

Pastor John Hagee endorsed Senator McCain and IMHO is worth a visit to YouTube. In one video I found there, Hagee suggested that Hurricane Katrina was punishment to the U.S. for its role in removal of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip. In another, he called for war with Iran.

After viewing those clips and reading Corn's blog you may even be interested in the view that McCain wants and believes in a permanent war.

One need not be either liberal or religious in orientation to be alarmed about a future with McCain as president. Cato Institute analyst Radley Balko, editor of Reason magazine, is similary wary of McCain's intentions today.

For my part, when I'm too sleepy to work but have to work to complete, I turn my thoughts to President McCain and my eyes are instantly wide.

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