Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama landslide: No McCain comeback

The blizzard of Republican smears and attack ads is failing to move the American electorate they underestimate.

This weekend's USA Today/Gallup poll found Democratic Presidential nominee Barack "Obama's favorable rating is 62% -- the highest that any presidential candidate has registered in Gallup's final pre-election polls going back to 1992."

Undecideds will not flock to McCain, a Pew national poll found on its way to predicting an Obama win. Indeed, pollster Peter Hart said the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, which gave Obama an eight-point lead, "has all the earmarking of an electorate that has reached an opinion that Barack Obama would be a good president."

An Obama Electoral College landslide is the possibility as sunrise reddens the sky this Monday morning in North Carolina, not a Republican Sen. John McCain comeback.

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